What are artists saying about their staging experience?

Meet Joe Davidson

Can you tell us about your background as an artist and how it influenced your approach to this project?

I’ve been a working artist for over 25 years now.  Throughout my career, I’ve had to opportunities to exhibit in galleries, non-profit spaces, and museums.  I always look forward to the possibility of showing work in a home setting.  It gives the me the opportunity to see the relationship between what I do in the studio with how another person lives with it.

How did it feel to see your piece in a space like this?

It’s been fantastic.  The presentation elevates the art and draws you to it while also being part of the larger whole.  It’s wonderful to see the work complement the space, and have the space complemented with the art.

How was your experience for this staging project?

Working with Jae and Danica has been wonderful.  They both are very sensitive to creating a tone in which the art is enhanced by the space, and vice versa.  The art is made to be a focal point of the home, while also being part of the larger space.  It’s a balancing act that they handle with ease. 

Advice for Aspiring Artists:

I was recently in a group show at the home of an LA architect, and it had much the same feeling.  You can see the work as it stands in conversation, not just with the other art, but with the entire domestic environment.  It’s a great opportunity to see your art outside the gallery setting and to show it to a different audience.

Do you have any upcoming projects or collaborations that excite you?

I’m really excited about a two person show I have in an interesting space.  I will be showing with Julie Easton, an artist whose work shows a similar sensitivity to materials, at The Art Room DTLA.  The Art Room opened in downtown Los Angeles in 2023, and is a really interesting space that houses both a gallery and restaurant. They really complement each other.  It was designed by AUX Architects.

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